Precip Sensor
Measure it to manage it
Baseline elevates the precipitation sensor, utilizing tipping rain bucket technology, to communicate real-time data across existing 2-wire engineered systems.
You can start, stop, or pause irrigation based on precipitation data through the Baseline 3200 controller. Create easy year-over-year reports to analyze all rainfall events. Set up real-time communication and remote management. Through automation and larger stores of data to work with, you’ll make better decisions about your soil (and your bottom line).

Paired with a soil moisture sensor, the Precip measures effective rainfall. You’ll understand how much rain made it into the soil, as well as rain rate, volume, and frequency.
With unmatched precision in the industry, our Tipping Bucket hardware is highly engineered for optimal data accuracy. While the rainfall is unpredictable, your metrics don’t need to be. With the Baseline Precip Sensor, you’ll access real-time site conditions as they shift and evolve. Measure the rainfall to measure the savings – in resources, money, and time. The weather changes frequently, but you can keep up using Baseline technology.
- Rate: rain intensity within a defined period (inches per hour)
- Volume: the amount of rain (gallons)
- Frequency: how often a rain event occurs (compared to soil dry-down)
- Effectiveness: total rainfall, actual evapotranspiration, and soil profile
2021 IA Show New Product Presentation

Part # BL-5407
Includes: Rain Bucket Decoder, Waterproof Splice Kit, Waterproof Gel Tubes

Part # BL-5407-KIT
Includes: Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge, Rain Bucket Decoder, Waterproof Splice Kit, Waterproof Gel Tubes

Part # BL-5407-KIT-PRO
Includes: Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge, Rain Bucket Decoder, BiSensor, Waterproof Splice Kit, Waterproof Gel Tubes