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BaseStation 3200S

Supercharge your BaseStation 3200

Upgrade the Display, Operating System, and Firmware

The BaseStation 3200 is the engineered irrigation solution you’ve come to know and love; now you can take it’s performance to the next level with the BaseStation 3200S that boasts all the same features, but with faster system performance and more precise control.

Upgrading to the BaseStation 3200S gives you:

  • Faster System Performance – Will no longer need to wait for the controller to process input for any given workflow; from start up to dial changes to updating programs, the experience is now instantaneous.
  • New Precise Programming Options – Will no longer need to shut down the entire controller to shut off irrigation in certain areas; you can now create Event Pauses at the Program level which makes large sites and campuses more manageable, saves time, and improves system performance. You can also create a Program in hours, minutes, and even seconds at the station level for more precise system operation.
  • 5 Year Warranty Coverage – Purchase of the 3200S upgrade will extend the warranty of a current controller and connected devices an additional 5 years beyond the original 5-year warranty, effective from time of original activation. 
  • Seamless Transition – All existing programming, reports, and data will migrate easily – nothing will be lost when upgrading to the 3200S.  

Ready to take your BaseStation 3200 to the next level?
Complete the form below and your local Regional Sales Manager will reach out to you!

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  • BaseStation 3200 irrigation controller
  • v19 firmware
  • If connected to a SubStation, the SubStation requires version 2.6 or higher
  • If connected to a FlowStation, the FlowStation requires version 3.4 or higher
  • Does NOT work with Munro pump integration feature in older hardware

How to Specify

  • BL-3200S-PSS-RTA – Replacement 16SS pedestal tray assembly for BaseStation 3200 controller. Includes v19.0 display assembly.
  • BL-3200S-X-RDA – Replacement complete swing panel assembly for BL-3200X and BL-3200X-R controllers. Includes v19.0 display assembly.
  • BL-3200S-X-RD -Replacement display electronics for BL-3200X/XS family wall mount and BL-3200P family pedestal controllers. Includes v19.0 display assembly.
  • BL-3200S-XS-RDA – Replacement complete swing panel assembly for BL-3200XS and BL-3200XS-R controllers. Includes v19.0 display assembly.
  • BL-3200S-P-RDA – Replacement complete face plate assembly for BaseStation 3200 controllers in a pedestal enclosure. Includes v19.0 display assembly.
  • Will the 3200S work on my existing BaseStation 3200 system?
    • Yes. The 3200S is backward compatible with existing hardware, meaning it will work with all Baseline hardware including decoders, sensors, SubStations, and FlowStations. Any 3200 controller that is V12 or V16 will need to be brought up to V18 prior to upgrading to 3200S with V19 firmware.
  • Will I have to reprogram the 3200S if I upgrade?
    • No. The programming configuration of the existing BaseStation 3200 controller can be easily converted to work on the 3200S in AppManager.
  • If I upgrade to a 3200S do I have to update all my other BaseStation 3200 controllers?
    • No. The system compatibility allows a FlowStation to work with older 3200 hardware and the newer 3200S hardware at the same time. In the case of SubStations and FlowStations, they just need to be on the latest firmware versions to ensure security compatibility with the 3200S.
  • How do I know if I already have a 3200S display? 
    • The 3200S has a different label that shows the 3200S name on it. Also, the USB port has been moved from outside of the swing panel to inside the swing panel to help mitigate failures due to corrosion. You can also tell by the firmware version, which, for the 3200S is v19 (older hardware is running v12, v16, v17, or v18). Additionally, the serial number on the controller and in AppManager, shows the “S” in it (e.g. 3S00001).
  • Will my 3200S integrate with a Munro pumpstation?
    • Not with the current firmware release. The Munro pumpstation feature is not available in version v19.3 or lower, but there are plans to provide the integration feature in the future. 
  • Will this work in BaseManager and AppManager too?
    • Yes. All the features, statuses, mapping, and reporting tools are exactly the same for the 3200S.