Seven Hills Homeowners Association Saves 45 Million Gallons of Water

“The WeatherTRAK controllers achieved immediate reductions in landscape water use. Our desert community receives very little rain, but wind is a significant environmental factor. HydroPoint’s technology combines site-specific details with accurate weather data to calculate precise irrigation needs. Turf and plants receive the right amount of water at the right time and we also eliminate over-watering, runoff, and costly hardscape erosion or repairs.”
— Dr. Davidson
Seven Hills Board Member
Seven Hills is a growing, active community of 3,000 homes located in Dallas, GA. With water rates climbing faster than morning glory, the Seven Hills HOA decided it was time to take a proactive approach to landscape irrigation. The obvious choice was to move to a smart water management solution.
The HOA Board of Directors chose HydroPoint WeatherTRAK. Seven Hills partnered with community managers at Excellence Community Management and irrigation professionals at ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance to replace antiquated clock timers with 33 cloud-based WeatherTRAK controllers across common areas and streetscapes.
WeatherTRAK has given ValleyCrest account managers 24/7 remote visibility into the controllers, monitoring system alerts and water schedules via smartphone, laptop or any internet-enabled device. Real-time access to station-level programming creates multiple time saving efficiencies for ValleyCrest, as well as automating irrigation and ensuring compliance with current Clark County water windows.
The HydroPoint high-resolution weather service, accurate down to one square kilometer, wirelessly transmits daily data to each individual controller, dynamically adjusting schedules as local weather changes based on 19 different site-specific parameters for plant, soil, slope, and sun exposure conditions.
“The WeatherTRAK controllers achieved immediate reductions in landscape water use. Our desert community receives very little rain, but wind is a significant environmental factor. HydroPoint technology combines site-specific details with accurate weather data to calculate precise irrigation needs. Turf and plants receive the right amount of water at the right time, and we also eliminate over¬-watering, runoff, and costly hardscape erosion or repairs,” explains Dr. Davidson Seven Hills board member.
Since WeatherTRAK was implemented, the HOA has been able to put hundreds of thousands of dollars in water savings back into the master association budget. This has enabled Seven Hills to fund additional landscape improvement projects and reduce overall outdoor water waste in the community’s common areas.
“Dr. Davidson and the Seven Hills community demonstrate a true commitment to water efficiency,” says Richard Restuccia, Director of Water Management Solutions for ValleyCrest. “Seven Hills’ success proves smart water management solutions can achieve both financial and environmental goals for HOAs and residential community managers across the country.”