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Soil Moisture Sensor

Enhancing Water Sustainability with Green Walls

Sustainable water management means using water in a way that meets social, economic, and ecological needs without depleting limited resources that would compromise the needs of future generations.   Water is life, critical to human survival. With global population exploding from 1.5 billion to nearly 8 billion in just the last 100 years, freshwater withdrawals have […]

How Trees Prepare for Winter: Understanding Dormancy, Cold Tolerance, and Winter Survival Strategies

As daylight hours begin to wane in late Summer, trees begin preparing for the oncoming Winter at the cellular level to increase their cold tolerance. Shrinkage, sugar concentration and dehydration are happening, and their metabolism slows as they enter a state of dormancy. By mid-Winter, they reach their adapted tolerance, their cells now hardened and […]

West Coast & Southwest Cities Brace for Multi-Year Water Rate Hikes

Soaring water rate hikes in four West Coast and Southwest cities have been set in motion– beginning in 2025– and will continue to rise over the next several years. Water districts in San Diego are about to be slammed with an unexpected 40% rate hike over the next few years by the San Diego County Water […]

Best Practices for Maintaining Athletic Fields

On an athletic field, natural grass is usually favored over artificial turf. Natural grass not only looks great, but creates a cooler field surface for players.  It also eliminates injuries athletes can experience on unforgiving synthetic turf. But natural grass is a living plant, and regular gameplay and heavy stomping will damage the field surface if not properly maintained.